
(1) A first activity was the field investigation, which was done in Viperesti village in Buzau County. The investigation report was published as a conference paper in The World Conference on Timber Engineering in Vienna, 2016. The paper can be found here: Field investigation report

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An additional paper was written with updated information on the field investigation, which was presented at the PROHITECH conference in Lisbon, 2017, and it cane be found here:


(2) Based on the field investigation, the structural typologies to be studied were decided and the experimental program was designed. Test specimens were executed as can be seen below.

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(3) In order to prepare for experiments, a draft with the steps necessary to setup the testing equipment (actuator controller and data logger) was made to be easy understood by project members (students): Anexa 2 – Indrumator pentru setup experimente (En) . For this, the Japanese team (Tomoe Giken, Better Living Institute and Tokyo Institute of Technology) who instructed and assisted the project director is greatly acknowledged.

(4) The experiments were done in the JICA Laboratory for structural tests in UTCB, together with the project members.






Along the experiments we also had international visits (JICA and Tohoku University, Japan):
